Customs Clearance
In order to import merchandise into the United States, in most cases a formal Customs Entry is required. We can handle your import procedures, filing all necessary forms with Customs in order to clear your goods as quickly and efficiently as possible.
The proper classification of your merchandise is critical. That will determine the amount of duty to be paid and also indicates other requirements for each particular product. By complying with Customs regulations you are assured of paying the correct duty amounts.
CBP requires a Customs Bond for all entries. Customs bond is a financial guaranty, similar to an insurance policy, to cover any potential duties, taxes, and charges that may accrue, in the event that these fees are not paid to U.S. Customs by the importer.
If you import on a regular basis a "continuous bond" is recommended. If you only import on occasion, a "single entry bond" may be the most economical choice.
Importer SECURITY FILING '10+2'
ISF is needed for cargo arriving to the United States by vessel. Importers are required to provide specific information regarding their shipments 24 hours prior to the merchandise being loaded on the vessel at the country of export.
It is very important to pay duties and fees timely to avoid penalties. As your Customs Broker we can make the payment of duties to Customs on your behalf.